e-mail : kavita@theunlikelymummy.co.uk

A, B, C – a blank canvas to teach

“One, two, three” three words said all the time when you have a baby. You take it for granted.

A, b, c are not really spoken at all. 

Before I had children it would amaze me how all of a sudden they just learnt how to talk, put sentences together and make sense of the world. I then had my son and even today, the words he says like ‘condensation’ at 2 years old just sets me back. I am amazed at how brilliant he is and how he can tell me everything that is going on. Even the bonus chocolate he gets at nans (LOL!)

He can counts to 30 without trying and backwards as well, he recognises shapes and his own name. But the next steps in teaching him letters. Now, you would think this would be easy having a dad as a teacher, well, hmm no! It is by far one of the hardest things I have had to do. Please just give me more glitter!! In all seriousness, I think I lack confidence to actually teach him.. SO! (Drum roll please….)

Teacher Play

This amazing organisation contacted me and asked if I wanted to test out some resources. Well, how could I say no. Straight away sent the link to my husband (who wasn’t overly helpful) so, I just asked for anything age appropriate for a three year old. 


When these arrived in the post, I was so excited. I thought, “Yes! Let’s give him started with his alphabet”. How wrong was I? He loved the idea of learning but when we got down to it, he was only interested in the drawing. I was so upset, until I realised. “Wait, Kavita. He is doing it! He is drawing the letters” and before I knew it we had done a, b, c, d, e, f and g. 


I understand this wont be something that is learnt over night, it will take hard work and determination but with the help from Teacher Play. I literally cannot wait to start this journey with my boy and watch his little mind soak it all in. 

Follow my stories and highlights on Instagram to see how we learn through Teacher Play

N.B. Use Unlikely10 when mentioning Teacher Play


Since I started writing this blog, my son now recognises his own name with the flash cards that were gifted and he is excited to use the cards to find other shapes to draw. Proud mum moment. 


Information on Teacher Play

Teacher Play Ltd, an online retailer and business which creates and sells educational resources designed for children–by teachers, has experienced a huge surge in sales since its launch in October 2019.

Emma Anderson, a Peterborough-based assistant primary school headteacher and entrepreneur is the brains behind the play-based learning, e-commerce business.

Emma has been teaching for ten years and launched Teacher Play to fulfil her dreams of running a small business that helps children learn. Emma works hard behind the scenes to develop creative, play-based products to enhance a child’s educational journey.

Teacher Play products help children flourish in their early stages of life, accelerating their existing skills by teaching them language, reading, writing, and numeracy skills. 

Teacher Play’s products are made for children aged 1-7 years and designed to help create and spark conversation by teaching vocabulary, conversation and phonics.  The product range features reusable and wipeable flashcards, learning mats, home learning packs and the most recent addition to the range – decodable phonics books, all of which support learning by enhancing fine motor skills and pre-writing skills.

The business has seen huge success in 2021, with sales increasing by over 5,000% in the past six months, driven through social media marketing and the rise in home learning as schools were forced to close during the pandemic. A recent study by I CAN suggested that 1.5 million children were struggling with communication skills following the isolation of successive lockdowns. Teacher Play’s products aim to help bridge the gap paved by the pandemic, supporting the development of social skills in early years settings and through home learning.

As well as being popular among parents to use at home, Teacher Play Ltd has also seen an increase in demand to stock its products in both primary schools and nurseries. The business has also recently begun stocking its products on Amazon, making them accessible for even more parents and children.

Emma, director of Teacher Play Ltd explained: “I have a huge passion for teaching, and I love watching children grow in their knowledge. Our products have been a blessing to so many in lockdown and I know they continue to help children learn no matter what level they are at. 

“As a teacher, the biggest reward is watching children progress in their learning in a fun and engaging way. This has always been the main aim with our business, and I am so proud to know we are achieving this with our products.”


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