e-mail : kavita@theunlikelymummy.co.uk

The Mummy Toolkit

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Introduction to The Unlikely Mummy

Have a question or unsure of what to do, then get in touch. Interested in Asian baby & toddler weaning by introducing spices and new flavours? Then I can help you and tailor a personalised menu plan for you and the family.

Lost for activities? I know at times I have been and spent hours looking online, well, I can help with ideas as well. 

Unsure of why you feel a certain way and just want to talk to someone? I can help you and create a toolkit for dealing with emotions. 

Contact me completely confidentially for a mum to mum heart to heart, understanding each other in your journey and for your personalised toolkit. 

Email me and say Hello@theunlikelymummy.co.uk

Lots of Love Kavita