e-mail : kavita@theunlikelymummy.co.uk

Did someone say Pampers?

Have you ever used Pampers

It was the first nappy that was put on our son, but it wasn’t till a few hours of new mother haze that I even asked. I was told by lots of mum friends that when they used Pampers their children ended up having a rash – I was already nervous! Looking back now, I’m not really sure why we were so nervous!

Fast forward a few months to trying lots of brands of nappies and I mean we tried every single one on the market, but for some reason we always returned back to Pampers.

We returned for a few reasons 

  1. Everyone suggested Pampers
  2. My son was leaking out of all the other nappies at night time
  3. They are accessable in almost every shop
  4. Some how you always seem to find an offer
  5. Everyone else was using them and there was a sense of pressure


“Why does he keep leaking – #mumneedshelp…”


I decided to take a call to action, visit Pampers, do my own research and my own reading, from this I came across #WriggleWrestleChallenge

I was a Pampers squaddie!!! I was over the moon when I was excepted onto the challenge and recieved my box of treats, included in the box was; size 4 premium protection nappy pants, milestone cards, samples and coupons for my friends. What more could you ask for? All of the coupons and nappies have been given away and everyone was so pleased to get their samples. The ones who were kind enough gave me feedback, everyone said they were so pleased. No leaks!!! That’s that the most important part – no leaks! 


My verdict

8 out of 10 


Although, we didn’t get any leaks at times the nappy would smell, but to be honest, I can live with that as we had a full night sleep with no leaks. #winner

My advice – head to your nearest shop and get yourself a pack of Pampers and give it ago, you literally have nothing to lose, apart from gaining a dry baby and extra sleep (Maybe, depends on the baby!) 

Thank you Pampers 

With love 

Kavita, The Unlikely Mummy

My son was 18 months when I tested the nappy pants. At this part he was an incredibly active baby and the pants help us control the leaks and we found it really easy to put them on. 
Please remember all babies are different and develop at different stages, not one baby is the same as another.