Comfort Zones
When I became a mum, I unintentionally put my career on hold. I instantly knew I would have to do the childcare, the nursery pickups and drop offs, and the sick days. I knew I would struggle with working if it wasn’t flexible and I knew it would be me that would have to take…
MY story
When I started #theunlikelymummy it wasn’t for popularity or to see how many ‘likes’ I could get. It was to help another person, another mum and to also get help myself, a little bit like self therapy. I know my situation, thoughts and feelings aren’t unique, but they are to me. I am completely aware…
It finally arrived, I returned back to work this week. I was slowly (and I mean slowly) preparing myself for the day by trying to be positive. I got the lunches ready the night before and I even got dinner prepped too. I packed both my bag and my son’s bag ready for his day…
Mum Guilt – is it a real thing?
“Mum Guilt is the feeling of guilt, doubt, anxiousness or uncertainty experienced by mothers when they worry they’re failing or falling short of expectations in some way.” Why do we as mothers feel the need to place judgment on each other? We have all done it, so please don’t tell yourself you haven’t. We have all looked…